Compatible replacement for Canon 8489A002AA. Page Yield or Volume @ 5% coverage will be approx 2500. This is a Laser Toners. Prices exclude VAT and delivery. All products are covered by a 2 year warranty and next day replacement service. Name and numbers are for indicative purposes only. All products are non-original/non-OEM. FITS: LBP LBP-27, LBP-300 LDA, LBP-300 LDF, LBP-300 n, LBP-3200, Lasershot LBP-3200, LBP-3200 Series, LBP-3240, Laserbase MF 3100 Series, MF 3110, MF 3112, MF 3200 Series, MF 3220, MF 3222, MF 3240, MF 5600 , Series, MF 5630, MF 5650, MF 5700 Series, MF 5730, MF 5750, MF 5770, I-Sensys LBP-3200, LBP-3240, MF 3200 Series, MF 3220, MF 3228, MF 3240
Compatible Canon 8489A002AA EP27 Black
Compatible Canon 8489A002AA EP27 Black 2500 Page Yield